Teona's blog

Rats Who Build The Labyrinth

Oulipo is an acronym for Potential literature workshop (Literature Potentielle). French mathematicians and writers formed the concept in France in 60's. Unlike Dada and surrealist movements, Oulipo rejects spontaneous chance and the subconscious as sources of literary creativity. It emphasizes systematic, self-restricting means of making texts. Oulipo as a writing tool covers a wide variety of styles. For instance, N+7, anagram, snowball, palindrome, and e.t.c. The technique N+7 is known as replacing every noun in an existing text with a noun the follows seven entries after it in the dictionary, while palindrome is writing backward.

As a usage, I decided to use a fragment from the article "My website is a shifting house next to a river of knowledge. What could yours be?" by Laurel Schwulst. The author uses a poetic tone and certain metaphors for the web; she compares it to room, shelf, plant, garden, puddle. The tone and style she is practicing are very poetic; that is why I exolicitly have chosen the text for the Oulipo generator.

Digital Oulipo uses a simple interface, intensifies the text and its ephemeral appearance. The user has an option to choose from the filters. Eight filters have distinctive writing capabilities. They are visualized abstractly, which allows the user to play around with the tags and the text.

How can we break automatic habits or develop unused writing muscles? To quote Queneau, how can we be "the rats who build the labyrinth from which (we) plan to escape?"