Teona's blog

Is It an End or a New Beginning?

For a year, I didn't go out. Interface became my living place. Different screens became different places, various tools/chats are now meeting points. Computers came so pervasively into my daily life without me asking if I accepted the terms and conditions.

Monday mornings start with a big jar of tea and two screens. My job is to be present in both interfaces. They have to interlock. I live in two rooms.

The first one is a vast network connecting 12 000 employers; the second one is a rather smaller corporation. As a digital architect, my role is to build certain objects into the room, creating an atmosphere and "position elements in spatial juxtaposition." Users as guests are an important part of my job. Interior has to serve them. They need to feel at home.

After leaving the rooms, I navigate myself into the physical space. Going from one room to another. Time is blending the line difference between the interface and physical place. Living areas became my working rooms, and working rooms are now my private spaces.