Teona's blog

Interface Annotations

Day 2. Today is not different from other days, except I am out of fruit tea. Before entering into my living rooms, a big jar of black tea is provided next to my screens.

Google Design, Google arts&culture, and it's nice that are the rooms I am visiting daily. I think they are a useful platform for information and fun level. Not to mention the interface architecture. Not a long time ago, I became a google design freak.

After entering the homepage, I skip the skim reading and tracking my eye movement. I read from left to right; then I scroll down, get the essence of the information and go back, this time scrolling up, find the information I am interested and dive in.

This experimental exercise is fun to observe how much skim-reading we do daily and how we deal with spaces full of content. Sometimes the websites, or rooms are loaded with objects. You really should know what you are interested in and try not to get distracted. Not an easy task, right?

Are. na is another platform I just discovered; It focuses more on the research topics, less distraction, filtered visual and text information. As I started living in Are.na, I got lost there. I was confused about where I should go, started to search for the topics, objects, and discovered some interesting and inspirational things, which helped me develop my concept for the Layer minifesto.

Harmonizing your input in the interface is the minifesto I am currently working on. Input is a broad term and can mean anything. I decided to connect it with digital poetry, particularly Oulipo.

Oulipo is "An acronym for Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle (Workshop for Potential Literature), a group of writers and mathematicians formed in France in 1960 by poet Raymond Queneau and mathematician François Le Lionnais. Unlike the Dada and surrealist movements, OuLiPo rejects spontaneous chance and the subconscious sources of literary creativity. Instead, the group emphasizes systematic, self-restricting means of making texts."

As for the minifesto layer visualization, I would like to create a fun and interactive user flow exploring digital experimental poetry. It can provide different varieties of Oulipo and generate the given text, as well editing the typeface.